Intended for NetCATI telephone interviews entry, to be used in classic call centres, on desktop PC terminals


CADAS NetCATI is indispensable for public opinion research agencies and other centers that actively gather questionnaire data, conduct telephone interviews, and require:

  • seamless large scale operation under extreme time pressure,
  • competitive performance and cost-effectiveness,
  • enforcing the strictest methodological rigor,
  • unconditional compliance with industry standards: ESOMAR and PKJPA,
  • compliance with statutory restrictions regarding the security of personal data.


After many years of shrinking demand for telephone research, the state of art CADAS NetCATI telephone interviewing module proves to be particularly useful in market research industry. Since the middle of the first decade of our century CADAS has been developing stubbornly this application for use of the niche group of regular customers. The then emerging (and currently in blossom) VoIP technology in Asterisk SIP2 standard was chosen. During the entire 15 years of the CATI module modernization by CADAS, its main competitors from around the world have had literally abandoned investing in CATI in favour of huge, self-service CAWI platforms, addressed (with great success) to subcontractors or directly to clients of market research agencies.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused increased interest in the hitherto marginalized CATI technique. The Internet is searched by heads of operations in market research teams in search of applications called usually "Home CATI". Their browsers, however, return a rather modest number of solutions being also not very convincing, because it is ordinary to offer the makeshift solution instead of genuine CATI / Home CATI.
Many providers offer electronic surveys via web links for the real CATI. In fact it works exactly like CAWI technology, except that it is not the web respondent himself answering questions that emerge on the screen but the phone interviewer himself. There is little more under the control of the computer system than the pace of answering survey questions, leaving the enormity of logistics to be coordinated independently “on foot”, facing the hunting grounds for respondents.
CADAS has built its "NetCATI" based on the winning SIP2 technology and the unique architecture of the computing node combining the best features of the Internet platform and client-server system. This resulted in the most far-reaching automation of business processes in the market research industry today and NetCATI is much more than Home CATI itself, which usually requires external ICT solutions.

Supported Roles and Scenarios

The shared IT platform coordinates all the activities of all NetCATI project participants: researchers, client representatives, scripters, NetCATI studio and/or Home CATI network personnel, supervisors, accounting and IT administration staff etc. The NetCATI feature package covers activities performed in various applications and system components by loggedin users who have the appropriate rights to NetCATI consoles for their roles. Note that:

  • The CADAS server acts as a central unit that spans the operation of all the system clients and auxiliary platforms.
  • The CADAS SCU application is used for NetCATI operations (and operations in all other interview types) with regard to: resource allocation, tracking fieldwork progress, quality assurance, data processing, sharing partial results, project budgeting, participant accounting etc.
  • The CADAS QET application is used by scripters programming electronic questionnaires for all CADAS research techniques.
  • The Internet Explorer browser is used by telephone interviewers at the Local NetCATI Studio.
  • The Home CATI application is used by telephone interviewers of the Virtual NetCATI Studio (i.e. the distributed workstation network).

The NetCATI feature package also includes processes that are launched automatically and work transparently in various system components and locations according to precise algorithms and scenarios. Note that:

  • The CADAS CallServer auxiliary platform monitors, enforces and registers telephony system events according to the operating settings of a given project.
  • The CDV application provides supervisors with a remote view of NetCATI interviewers’ screens during interviews.

The wealth of specific actions supported by the CADAS NetCATI application suite is presented among the benefits that the CADAS Platform offers to survey participants.

The Unique Benefits of CADAS NetCATI


The standard price of the NetCATI application includes complete software with its own built-in next-generation telephony platform which:

  • Is suitable for any workflow (a central studio and/or field centers or HOME CATI distributed workstations) with regular office infrastructure and any choice of telecommunications providers (PSTN, GSM, VoIP);
  • Has a full range of built-in telephone operation features available only through CADAS NetCATI operating consoles (intelligent call setup, monitoring online conversations from anywhere on the WAN, playing audio files on line, recording entire interviews or their parts, access to recordings in supervision mode directly from interview records using question numbers, selective mass cleaning of clips that contain sensitive personal data, etc.);
  • Provides comprehensive data for the valuation of projects for researchers and monitoring current costs by extending regular billing features with: the monitoring of ongoing telephone call and questionnaire costs, allocation by projects and operators, and customized reporting for management accounting).

More > CADAS CallServer


  • Using the CADAS SCU application for all the techniques. This enables comfortable online work in all operating activities of the NetCATI operating suite, in particular: the full computerization and automation of reaching respondents on the phone according to strictly defined parameters, including the following of multi-parameter quotas with an unlimited number of cells; providing source database records synchronized with the fulfillment of quotas; intelligent allocation of addresses, clusters, database areas to interviewers; forwarding established calls to interviewers' workstations; transparent recording and monitoring; appointment automation; switching questionnaire language versions by the interviewer (even during an interview); reporting the surveying progress; observing Robinson List restrictions and many other activities.
  • Using a unique questionnaire editor, CADAS QET, which is common to all the operating packages and combines the benefits of a graphical UI with batch mode editing in a single offline application. It offers many advantages, including a custom set of question templates (including the integrated Conjoint Choice Base, MaxDiff and BPTO); an ascetic yet powerful scripting language with an intuitive and clear syntax; mass-editing features like Copy/Paste and Find/Replace (including the questionnaire tree contents); automatic renumbering of variables; defining repetitive looped procedures; multi-level randomization/rotation on the questionnaire content tree instead of tediously defining “GO RAND”; references to arrays of variables; references to multiple auxiliary databases; intelligent display of response items in any layouts, etc.
  • Numerous features enhancing the cooperation of a researcher with the customer and scripter at various stages of research projects, such as: random generation of resulting sets to validate the script (Virtual Interviewer); remote sharing of screens and questionnaire mechanics with the customer; direct generation of the questionnaire text with the script entries or current results of marginal distribution; sharing raw results for drilling down directly in the system set during fieldwork.
  • Monitoring the performance and quality of NetCATI interviewers' work using a ranking module and a reporting feature developed according to the requirements of the Interviewer Performance Quality Control Program (PKJPA) by OFBOiR.
  • Support for Mystery Shopping with a feature that allows mystery shoppers to include any files documenting their activities related to the visit (images, recordings) that can be made available to the research recipients for complaint handling or verifying the correctness of recorded observations.
  • Automatic calculation of remuneration based on the interviewers' activity records in the system and the creation of documents for payment.
  • An unprecedented level of data security and manufacturer's support.