You can.

Cadas in brief

CADAS is an unified MES-class* ICT environment designed as a tool ensuring focused coordination of activities utilizing various survey data acquisition technologies.

The CADAS system, being a modular and a scalable solution, will allow users to combine distributed resources of their contractor networks and to consistently support the most demanded surveying technologies, such as: web-based (CAWI), phone-based (CATI), laptop-based (CAPI), tablet/Android phone -based (MOBI) and paper-based (P&P):

  • it features a common operations console and a questionnaire editor,
  • it supports a common questionnaire and results set for many techniques employed in multi-modal projects,
  • it features built-in VoIP (SIP2) telephony support.
MES* Manufacturer Execution System see more

For the past 365 days were filled  2 610 512  surveys including:

  • cawi 859 349
  • cati 1 258 026
  • capi 179 640
  • mobi 313 023

Our products

Intended for managing form-based censuses, monitoring projects, observations or short face-to-face interviews on the following types of terminals: tablets, smartphones, PDAs

An ICT platform for quick (face-to-face) interviewing or for handling off-line form-based censuses, observations or audits at points of sale, customer service points and selected public spots, by agents working on Android terminals such as: tablets and smartphones.

Intended for CATI telephone interviews entry, to be used in classic call centres, on desktop PC terminals

An ICT platform intended for on-line polls using telephone interviews, with centralised management and LAN-based supervision (in a call centre)

Intended for processing and for presentation of Mystery Shopper-type audit results.

An ICT platform with an access system intended for interactive browsing, processing and presentation of Mystery Shopper-type audit surveys with complaints management system.

Intended for conducting traditional face-to-face interviews on laptop terminals

An ICT platform for direct (face-to-face) off-line interviews in distributed networks, with centralised management, sample and quotas distribution and automatic synchronization on laptop terminals.

Intended for web-based interviewing using distribution of links and integration with web services and respondent panels.

An ICT platform for web-based on-line interviewing with questionnaire distribution via links, with the support from the built-in mailing system or integration with any system or responent panel.

Intended for interactive processing of flat interview or observation data sets.

An ICT application for interactive processing of flat interview or observation data sets by visitors of the hosting service.

Intended for phone calls automation, call monitoring, recording management and monitoring as well as for costs allocation.

A custom VoiP-class telecommunication server, powered by the SIP2 technology, controlled and managed directly from the CATI telephone polling app level, intended for phone calls automation, traffic monitoring, calls recording and billing purposes in telephone surveys conducted in In-Hall or At-Home modes.

Intended for conducting CATI interviews in a virtual call centre network connecting distributed home, desktop or laptop terminals

An ICT platform intended for on-line telephone interviewing in a network of distributed interviewer workstations, centrally managed and centrally supervised in Wide Area Networks.

Intended for arranging virtual meetings on the BBS (Bulletin Board System) platform for data collection for qualitative surveys.

An ICT BBS-class (Bulletin Board System) platform intended for acquisition of data for qualitative analyses using moderated group discussions, events or workshop meetings from pre-recruited groups of distributed participants.

Latest news

CADAS Cloud - The Pay4M Service

November 2

If you are lacking skills or not having sufficient time or having no one whom you could commission scripting or other maintenance activities in the CADAS system - you can now get IT support services for your projects form the very source, that is from the certified personnel of CADAS Software Sp. z o.o. For utilization of any interviewing applications in the CADAS cloud you will be charged only with the license fee according to the N sample size per minutes.

MOBI questionnaire demo in Google Play store.


When the ‘cadas mobi’ phrase is input in Google Play store, a brief description and a screenshot of the CADAS application is displayed. This app is designed to support form-based censuses, monitoring surveys and surveillance activities as well as short face-to-face interviews using Android tablets, smartphones and PDAs. Customers would be able to quickly download the free surveying app and without the hassle of logging in to an actual project, they could check the functionality of the newly developed MOBI form demo showcasing all supported question and control types.